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Testing Java Apps on Kubernetes with Testkube


In this article, you will learn how to test Java apps on Kubernetes with Testkube automatically. We will build the tests for the typical Spring REST-based app. In the first scenario, Testkube runs the JUnit tests using its Maven support. After that, we will run the load tests against the running instance of our app using the Grafana k6 tool. Once again, Kubetest provides a standard mechanism for that, no matter which tool we use for testing.

If you are interested in testing on Kubernetes you can also read my article about integration tests with JUnit. There is also a post about contract testing on Kubernetes with Microcks available here.


Testkube is a Kubernetes native test orchestration and execution framework. It allows us to run automated tests inside the Kubernetes cluster. It supports several popular testing or build tools like JMeter, Grafana k6, and Maven. We can easily integrate with the CI/CD pipelines or GitOps workflows. We can manage Kubetest by using the CRD objects directly, with the CLI, or through the UI dashboard. Let’s check how it works.

Source Code

If you would like to try it by yourself, you may always take a look at my source code. In order to do that you need to clone my GitHub repository. It contains only a single app. Once you clone it you can go to the src/test directory. You will find there both the JUnit tests written in Java and the k6 tests written in JavaScript. After that, you should just follow my instructions. Let’s begin.

Run Kubetest on Kubernetes

In the first step, we are going to install Testkube on Kubernetes using its Helm chart. Let’s add the kubeshop Helm repository and fetch latest charts info:

$ helm repo add kubeshop https://kubeshop.github.io/helm-charts
$ helm repo update

Then, we can install Testkube in the testkube namespace by executing the following helm command:

$ helm install testkube kubeshop/testkube \
    --create-namespace --namespace testkube

This will add custom resource definitions (CRD), RBAC roles, and role bindings to the Kubernetes cluster. This installation requires having cluster administrative rights.

Once the installation is finished, we can verify a list of running in the testkube namespace. The testkube-api-server and testkube-dashboard are the most important components. However, there are also some additional tools installed like Mongo database or Minio.

$ oc get po -n testkube
NAME                                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS        AGE
testkube-api-server-d4d7f9f8b-xpxc9                     1/1     Running   1 (6h17m ago)   6h18m
testkube-dashboard-64578877c7-xghsz                     1/1     Running   0               6h18m
testkube-minio-testkube-586877d8dd-8pmmj                1/1     Running   0               6h18m
testkube-mongodb-dfd8c7878-wzkbp                        1/1     Running   0               6h18m
testkube-nats-0                                         3/3     Running   0               6h18m
testkube-nats-box-567d94459d-6gc4d                      1/1     Running   0               6h18m
testkube-operator-controller-manager-679b998f58-2sv2x   2/2     Running   0               6h18m

We can also install testkube CLI on our laptop. It is not required, but we will use it during the exercise just try the full spectrum of options. You can find CLI installation instructions here. I’m installing it on macOS:

$ brew install testkube

Once the installation is finished, you can run the testkube version command to see that warm “Hello” screen 🙂


Run Maven Tests with Testkube

Firstly, let’s take a look at the JUnit tests inside our sample Spring Boot app. We are using the TestRestTemplate bean to call all the exposed REST endpoints exposed. There are three JUnit tests for testing adding, getting, and removing the Person objects.

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
class PersonControllerTests {

   lateinit var template: TestRestTemplate

   fun shouldAddPerson() {
      var person = Instancio.of(Person::class.java)
      person = template
         .postForObject("/persons", person, Person::class.java)
      Assertions.assertEquals(1001, person.id)

   fun shouldUpdatePerson() {
      var person = Instancio.of(Person::class.java)
         .set(Select.field("id"), 1)
      template.put("/persons", person)
      var personRemote = template
         .getForObject("/persons/{id}", Person::class.java, 1)
      Assertions.assertEquals(person.age, personRemote.age)

   fun shouldDeletePerson() {
      template.delete("/persons/{id}", 1)
      val person = template
         .getForObject("/persons/{id}", Person::class.java, 1)


We are using Maven as a build tool. The current version of Spring Boot is 3.2.0. The version of JDK used for the compilation is 17. Here’s the fragment of our pom.xml in the repository root directory:

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
         xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">



Testkube provides the Executor CRD for defining a way of running each test. There are several default executors per each type of supported build or test tool. We can display a list of provided executors by running the testkube get executor command. You will see the list of all tools supported by Testkube. Of course, the most interesting executors for us are k6-executor and maven-executor.

$ testkube get executor

Context:  (1.16.8)   Namespace: testkube

  NAME                 | URI | LABELS
  artillery-executor   |     |
  curl-executor        |     |
  cypress-executor     |     |
  ginkgo-executor      |     |
  gradle-executor      |     |
  jmeter-executor      |     |
  jmeterd-executor     |     |
  k6-executor          |     |
  kubepug-executor     |     |
  maven-executor       |     |
  playwright-executor  |     |
  postman-executor     |     |
  soapui-executor      |     |
  tracetest-executor   |     |
  zap-executor         |     |

By default, maven-executor uses JDK 11 for running Maven tests. Moreover, it still doesn’t provide images for running tests against JDK19+. For me, this is quite a big drawback since the latest LTS version of Java is 21. The maven-executor-jdk17 Executor contains the name of the running image (1) and a list of supported test types (2).

apiVersion: executor.testkube.io/v1
kind: Executor
  name: maven-executor-jdk17
  namespace: testkube
    - '--settings'
    - <settingsFile>
    - <goalName>
    - '-Duser.home'
    - <mavenHome>
    - mvn
    - git-dir
    - git
  executor_type: job
    - artifacts
  # (1)
  image: kubeshop/testkube-maven-executor:jdk17 
    docsURI: https://kubeshop.github.io/testkube/test-types/executor-maven
    iconURI: maven
  # (2)
    - maven:jdk17/project
    - maven:jdk17/test
    - maven:jdk17/integration-test

Finally, we just need to define the Test object that references to maven-executor-jdk17 by the type parameter. Of course, we also need to set the address of the Git repository and the name of the branch.

apiVersion: tests.testkube.io/v3
kind: Test
  name: sample-spring-kotlin
  namespace: testkube
      branch: master
      type: git
      uri: https://github.com/piomin/sample-spring-kotlin-microservice.git
    type: git
  type: maven:jdk17/test

Finally, we can run the sample-spring-kotlin test using the following command:

$ testkube run test sample-spring-kotlin

Using UI Dashboard

First of all, let’s expose the Testkube UI dashboard on the local port. The dashboard also requires a connection to the testkube-api-server from the web browser. After exposing the dashboard with the following port-forward command we can access it under the http://localhost:8080 address:

$ kubectl port-forward svc/testkube-dashboard 8080 -n testkube
$ kubectl port-forward svc/testkube-api-server 8088 -n testkube

Once we access the Testkube dashboard we will see a list of all defined tests:


Then, we can click the selected tile with the test to see the details. You will be redirected to the history of previous executions available in the “Recent executions” tab. There are six previous executions of our sample-spring-kotlin test. Two of them were finished successfully, the four others were failed.

Let’s take a look at the logs of the last one execution. As you see, all three JUnit tests were successful.


Run Load Tests with Testkube and Grafana k6

In this section, we will create the tests for the instance of our sample app running on Kubernetes. So, in the first step, we need to deploy the app. Here’s the Deployment manifest. We can apply it to the default namespace. The manifest uses the latest image of the sample app available in the registry under the quay.io/pminkows/sample-kotlin-string:1.5.3 address.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: sample-kotlin-spring
    app: sample-kotlin-spring
  replicas: 1
      app: sample-kotlin-spring
        app: sample-kotlin-spring
      - name: sample-kotlin-spring
        image: quay.io/pminkows/sample-kotlin-spring:1.5.3
        - containerPort: 8080

Let’s also create the Kubernetes Service that exposes app pods internally:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: sample-kotlin-spring
    app: sample-kotlin-spring
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 8080
      targetPort: 8080

After that, we can proceed to the Test manifest. This time, we don’t have to override the default executor, since the k6 version is not important. The test source is located inside the sample Git repository in the src/test/resources/k6/load-tests-get.js (1) file in the master branch. In that case, the repository type is git (2). The k6 test should run for 5 seconds and should use 5 concurrent threads (3). We also need to set the address of a target service as the PERSONS_URI environment variable (4). Of course, we are testing through the Kubernetes Service visible internally under the sample-kotlin-spring.default.svc host and port 8080. The type of the test is k6/script (5).

apiVersion: tests.testkube.io/v3
kind: Test
    executor: k6-executor
    test-type: k6-script
  name: load-tests-gets
  namespace: testkube
      branch: master
      # (1)
      path: src/test/resources/k6/load-tests-get.js
      # (2) 
      type: git
      uri: https://github.com/piomin/sample-spring-kotlin-microservice.git
    type: git
    # (3)
      - '-u'
      - '5'
      - '-d'
      - 10s
    # (4)
        name: PERSONS_URI
        type: basic
        value: http://sample-kotlin-spring.default.svc:8080
        valueFrom: {}
  # (5)
  type: k6/script

Let’s take a look at the k6 test file written in JavaScript. As I mentioned before, you can find it in the src/test/resources/k6/load-tests-get.js file. The test calls the GET /persons/{id} endpoint. It sets the random number between 1 and 1000 as the id path parameter and reads a target service URL from the PERSONS_URI environment variable.

import http from 'k6/http';
import { check } from 'k6';
import { randomIntBetween } from 'https://jslib.k6.io/k6-utils/1.2.0/index.js';

export default function () {
  const id = randomIntBetween(1, 1000);
  const res = http.get(`${__ENV.PERSONS_URI}/persons/${id}`);
  check(res, {
    'is status 200': (res) => res.status === 200,
    'body size is > 0': (r) => r.body.length > 0,

Finally, we can run the load-tests-gets test with the following command:

$ testkube run test load-tests-gets

The same as for the Maven test we can verify the execution history in the Testkube dashboard:

We can also display all the logs from the test:

Final Thoughts

Testkube provides a unified way to run Kubernetes tests for the several most popular testing tools. It may be a part of your CI/CD pipeline or a GitOps process. Honestly, I’m still not very convinced if I need a dedicated Kubernetes-native solution for automated tests, instead e.g. a stage in my pipeline that runs test commands. However, you can also use Testkube to execute load or integration tests against the app running on Kubernetes. It is possible to schedule them periodically. Thanks to that you can verify your apps continuously using a single, central tool.

The post Testing Java Apps on Kubernetes with Testkube appeared first on Piotr's TechBlog.

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