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Getting Started with Spring Cloud Azure


This article will teach you how to use Spring Cloud to simplify integration between Spring Boot apps and Azure services. We will also see how to leverage the Azure Spring Apps service to deploy, run, and manage our app on Azure. Our sample Spring Boot app stores data in the Azure Cosmos DB service and exposes some REST endpoints under the public URL. We can run it locally and connect remote services or deploy it on the cloud and connect those services internally under the same virtual network.

If you need an introduction to Spring Cloud read my article about microservices with Spring Boot 3 and Spring Cloud available here. It is worth at least taking a look at the Spring Cloud Azure docs for a basic understanding of the main concepts.


Our architecture is pretty simple. As I mentioned before, we have a single Spring Boot app (account-service in the diagram) that runs on Azure and connects to Cosmos DB. It exposes some REST endpoints for adding, deleting, or searching accounts backed by Cosmos DB. It also stores the whole required configuration (like Cosmos DB address and credentials) in the Azure App Configuration service. The app is managed by the Azure Spring Apps service. Here’s the diagram illustrating our architecture.


Source Code

If you would like to try it by yourself, you may always take a look at my source code. In order to do that you need to clone my GitHub repository. The Spring Boot app used in the article is located in the microservices/account-service directory. After you go to that directory you should just follow my further instructions.

There are some prerequisites before you start the exercise. You need to install JDK17+ and Maven on your local machine. You also need to have an account on Azure and az CLI to interact with that account. In order to deploy the app on Azure we will use azure-spring-apps-maven-plugin, which requires az CLI.


Firstly, let’s take a look at the list of required Maven dependencies. Of course, we need to add the Spring Boot Web starter to enable REST support through the Spring MVC module. In order to integrate with Cosmos DB, we will use the Spring Data repositories. Spring Cloud Azure provides a dedicated starter spring-cloud-azure-starter-data-cosmos for it. The spring-cloud-azure-starter-actuator module is optional. It will enable a health indicator for Cosmos DB in the /actuator/health endpoint. After that, we will include the starter providing integration with the Azure App Configuration service. Finally, we can add the Springdoc OpenAPI project responsible for generating REST API documentation.


Spring Cloud with Azure Cosmos DB

After including the Spring Data module with Cosmos DB support we may define the model class. The Account class contains three String fields: id (primary key), number, and customerId (partition key). The partition key is responsible for dividing data into distinct subsets called logical partitions. The model must be annotated with @Container. The containerName parameter inside the annotation corresponds to the name of the Cosmos DB container created in Azure.

@Container(containerName = "accounts")
public class Account {
   private String id;
   private String number;
   private String customerId;


Now, let’s prepare our environment in Azure. After logging in with the az login CLI command we create the resource group for our exercise. The name of the group is sample-spring-cloud. The location depends on your preferences. For me it is eastus.

$ az group create -l eastus -n sample-spring-cloud

Then, we are going to create a new Azure Cosmos DB database account. The name of my account is sample-pminkows-cosmosdb. It is placed inside our sample-spring-cloud resource group. I’ll leave the default values in all other parameters. But you can consider overriding some parameters to decrease the instance cost. For example, we can set the Local backup redundancy type using the --backup-redundancy parameter.

$ az cosmosdb create -n sample-pminkows-cosmosdb -g sample-spring-cloud

Once we enable a database account we can create a database instance. The name of our database is sampled. Of course, it has to be placed in the previously created sample-pminkows-cosmosdb Cosmos DB account.

$ az cosmosdb sql database create \
    -a sample-pminkows-cosmosdb \
    -n sampledb \
    -g sample-spring-cloud

Finally, we need to create a container inside our database. The name of the container should be the same as the value of the containerName field declared in the model class. We also have to set the partition key path. As you probably remember, we are using the customerId field in the Account class for that.

$ az cosmosdb sql container create \
    -a sample-pminkows-cosmosdb \
    -g sample-spring-cloud \
    -n accounts \
    -d sampledb \
    -p /customerId

Everything is ready on the Azure side. Let’s back for a moment to the source code. In order to interact with the database, we will create the Spring Data repository interface. It has to extend the CosmosRepository interface provided within Spring Cloud Azure. It defines one additional method for searching by the customerId field.

public interface AccountRepository extends CosmosRepository<Account, String> {
   List<Account> findByCustomerId(String customerId);

Finally, we can create @RestController with the endpoints implementation. It injects and uses the AccountRepository bean.

public class AccountController {

   private final static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory
   private final AccountRepository repository;

   public AccountController(AccountRepository repository) {
      this.repository = repository;

   public Account add(@RequestBody Account account) {
      LOG.info("add: {}", account.getNumber());
      return repository.save(account);

   public Account findById(@PathVariable String id) {
      LOG.info("findById: {}", id);
      return repository.findById(id).orElseThrow();

   public List<Account> findAll() {
      List<Account> accounts = new ArrayList<>();
      return accounts;

   public List<Account> findByCustomerId(@PathVariable String customerId) {
      LOG.info("findByCustomerId: {}", customerId);
      return repository.findByCustomerId(customerId);

Azure App Configuration with Spring Cloud

Once we finish the app implementation, we can run it and connect with Cosmos DB. Of course, we need to set the connection URL and credentials. Let’s switch to the Azure Portal. We need to find the “Azure Cosmos DB” service in the main menu. Then click your database account. You will see the address of the endpoint as shown below. You should also see the previously created container in the “Containers” section.

In order to obtain the connection key, we need to go to the “Data Explorer” item in the left-side menu. Then choose the “Connect” tile. You will find the key in the target window.


We could easily set all the required connection parameters using the spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.* properties. However, I would like to store all the configuration settings on Azure. Spring Cloud comes with built-in support for Azure App Configuration service. We have already included the required Spring Cloud starter. So now, we need to enable the Azure App Configuration service and put our properties into the store. Here’s the command for creating an App Configuration under the sample-spring-cloud-config name:

$ az appconfig create \
    -g sample-spring-cloud \
    -n sample-spring-cloud-config \
    -l eastus \
    --sku Standard

Once we create the App Configuration we can put our configuration settings in the key/value form. By default, Spring Cloud Azure is loading configurations that start with the key /application/. We need to add three Spring Cloud properties: spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.key, spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.database, and spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.endpoint.

$ az appconfig kv set \
    -n sample-spring-cloud-config \
    --key /application/spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.key \
    --value <YOUR_PRIMARY_KEY>

$ az appconfig kv set \
    -n sample-spring-cloud-config \
    --key /application/spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.database \
    --value sampledb

$ az appconfig kv set \
    -n sample-spring-cloud-config \
    --key /application/spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.endpoint \
    --value <YOUR_ENDPOINT_URI>

Let’s switch to the Azure Portal to check the configuration settings. We need to find the “App Configuration” service in the main dashboard. Then go to the sample-spring-cloud-config details and choose the “Configuration explorer” menu item. You should have all your application properties prefixed by the /application/. I also overrode some Spring Actuator settings to enable health check details and additional management endpoints.


That’s all. Now, we are ready to run our app. We just need to connect it to the Azure App Configuration service. In order to do that, we need to obtain its connection endpoint and credentials. You can go to the “Access keys” menu item in the “Settings” section. Then you should copy the value from the “Connection string” field as shown below. Alternatively, you can obtain the same information by executing the following CLI command: az appconfig credential list --name sample-spring-cloud-config.

Let’s save the value inside the APP_CONFIGURATION_CONNECTION_STRING environment variable. After that, we just need to create the Spring bootstrap.properties file in the src/main/resources directory containing the spring.cloud.azure.appconfiguration.stores[0].connection-string property.


Running Spring Boot App Locally

Finally, we can run our sample Spring Boot app. For now, we will just run it locally. As a result, it will connect to the Azure App Configuration and Cosmos DB deployed on the cloud. We can execute the following Maven command to start the app:

$ mvn clean spring-boot:run

Once you start the app you should see that it loads property sources from the Azure store:

If everything works fine your app is loading settings from Azure App Configuration and connects to the Cosmos DB instance:


Once you start the app you can access it under the 8080 local port. The Swagger UI is available under the /swagger-ui.html path:


We can some data using e.g. the curl command as shown below:

$ curl -X 'POST' 'http://localhost:8080/accounts' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"number": "1234567893","customerId": "1"}'

Then, we can e.g. find accounts owned by a particular customer:

$ curl http://localhost:8080/accounts/customer/1

We can also delete an existing account by calling the DELETE /account/{id} endpoint. In that case, I received the HTTP 404 Not Found error. Interesting?

Let’s see what happened. If you take a look at the implementation of AccountController you will find the method for the DELETE endpoint, right? In the meantime, I added one method annotated with @FeatureGate. This annotation is provided by Spring Cloud Azure. The following fragment of code shows the usage of feature management with Azure App Configuration. In fact, I’m using the “Feature Gate” functionality, which allows us to call the endpoint only if a feature is enabled on the Azure side. The name of our feature is delete-account.

@FeatureGate(feature = "delete-account")
public void deleteById(@PathVariable String id) {

Now, the only thing we need to do is to add a new feature to the sample-spring-cloud-config App Configuration.

$ az appconfig feature set -n sample-spring-cloud-config --feature test-2

Let’s switch to the Azure Portal. You should go to the “Feature manager” menu item in the “Operations” section. As you see, by default the feature flag is disabled. It means the feature is not active and the endpoint is disabled.


You can enable the feature by clicking the checkbox button and then restart the app. After that, the DELETE endpoint should be available.

Deploy Spring Cloud App on Azure

We can deploy our sample app to Azure in several different ways. I’ll choose the service dedicated especially to Spring Boot – Azure Spring Apps.

The installation from Azure Portal is pretty straightforward. I won’t get into the details. The name of our instance (cluster) is sample-spring-cloud-apps. We don’t need to know anything more to be able to deploy our app there.

Azure provides several Maven plugins for deploying apps. For Azure Spring Apps we should use azure-spring-apps-maven-plugin. We need to set the Azure Spring Apps instance in the clusterName parameter. The name of our app is account-service. We should also choose SKU and set the Azure subscription ID (loaded from the SUBSCRIPTION environment variable). In the deployment section, we need to define the required resources (RAM and CPU), number of running instances, Java version, and a single environment variable containing the connection string to the Azure App Configuration instance.

      <runtimeVersion>Java 17</runtimeVersion>

Then we need to build the app and deploy it on Azure Spring Apps with the following command:

$ mvn clean package azure-spring-apps:deploy

You should have a similar result as shown below:

Does the name of the instance sound familiar? 🙂 Under the hood it’s Kubernetes. The Azure Spring Apps service uses Azure Container Apps for running containers. On the other hand, Azure Container Apps is hosted on the Kubernetes cluster. But these are the details. What is important here – our app has already been deployed on Azure.


We can display the account-service app details. The app is exposed under the public URL. We just need to copy the link.

Let’s take a look at the configuration section. As you see it contains the connection string to the App Configuration endpoint.

We can display the Swagger UI and perform some test calls.

Final Thoughts

That’s all in this article, but I’m planning to create several others about Spring Boot and Azure soon! Azure seems to be a friendly platform for the Spring Boot developer 🙂 I showed you how to easily integrate your Spring Boot app with the most popular Azure services like Cosmos DB. We also covered such topics as configuration management and feature flags (gates) with the App Configuration service. Finally, we deployed the app on… Kubernetes through the Azure Spring Apps service 🙂

The post Getting Started with Spring Cloud Azure appeared first on Piotr's TechBlog.

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